Load Shedding Paragraph
Load shedding paragraph |
Load shedding has become a hard nut to crack in Bangladesh particularly in the urban areas where people largely depends on electricity. It means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. It occurs while generation of power falls short of demand. Due to rapid growth of population the demand of electricity has increased to a great extent while the generation of power has not risen expectedly. It mostly occurs in the pick hour of the day that refers to the time from 8 am to 11 pm. When load shedding occurs the normal life of the people of that area comes to standstill. It creates the problem of far reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of the country. Mills and factories, shops, hospitals come to a standstill. Housewives, students, patients, and workers also fall a victim to it. All the electronic devices like refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners, electric fans, computer, diagnostics devices in the hospital become useless. To get rid of this worst suffering, power generation should be increased. You should also be frugal in using electricity.