The Boys And The Frogs

The Boys And The Frogs Story
The Boys And The Frogs Story

One day some frogs were swimming in a pond near a village.  A few mischievous boys were playing beside the pond. Soon they stopped their play and began throwing stones at the frogs in the pond. Whenever any one of the frogs raised his head the boys wounded him with stones. Thus, it became quite impossible for the frogs to stay in the pond. But the boys enjoyed the stone throwing very much. At last, one old frog made bold to speak. He leaped upon a log and bravely uttered, " Boys, you are very cruel. Why do you hurt us with stones?".  One of the boys then said, " We find great pleasure in hitting you. It is our sport". Then the old frog replied, " What is play to you is death to us."

Moral: One's sport maybe death to other.