Unity is strength story

Unity is strength story
Unity is strength story.The old man and his sons.

An old man had three sons. They always quarreled among themselves. So, there was no peace in the farmer’s family. He advised his sons not to quarrel, but they did not listen to him. One day the old man hit upon a plan. He made a bundle of sticks and then asked each of them to break it. All of them tried one by one but nobody could break the bundle. Then the old man untied it and gave each of them a single stick to break. Now the sons could easily do this. Then the old man told them about the value of unity. The old man said to his sons, “My dear sons, if you live together unitedly, nobody can do you any harm”. Then the sons stopped quarreling and lived in peace.

Moral : Unity is strength. Or, United we stand, divided we fail.